2019 Fall Graduate Seminar and Methods course


For the UHI Fall 2019 graduate seminar and methods course, students produced a series of experimental documentary films investigating each of Los Angeles’ ‘seven ecologies’. Grounded by theoretical perspectives on commoning, borders, and the public sphere, students located a particular set of spaces, settings, situations, or conditions in each ecology and laid bare their implications for social and spatial justice through the medium of film. Guided by video instructor Jesse Lerner, students made creative use of narration, imagery, and formal filmic qualities that reflect the aesthetics, and inherent problematics, of each ecology.



Zoe (Fengyun) Zhang

Lauren Mitchell

Manos Proussaloglou

Liza Franklin-Edmondson


Dexter Walcott

Juan Sanchez

Suzanne Caflisch



Julio Alicea

Roya Chagnon

Andres Gonzalez

Cristina Vazquez

Raymond (Kun Xian) Shen

Wesley (Wei-Shih) Lin

Cassie Hoeprich


The LA River

Beatriz Ramirez

Lili Raygoza

Akana Jayewardene

Yiye Lin

Republics of East LA

Clay McKee

Ethan Ma

Christina Monzer

La Macrofrontera

Adam Boggs

Nylsa Martinez

Zack Zeilman

Tiffany Orozco